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Science Themed Dessert

It's almost that time of year again. Time for the the Cub Scout Blue and gold banquette. Every family in the Cub Scout pack brings a dessert to go along with the theme. This years theme was Science. My son doesn't like cake he wanted to make jello. Making Jello is a simple science experiment so I was on board but how would we decorate it?

My kids and I did some research and stumbled upon jello in petri dishes which then made me think about beakers with different colored Jello and foam. The kids wanted to add candy to make it look like something was growing in the dishes. It was a great Idea we went with gummy worms at first but don't use gummy worms. I repeat DO NOT USE GUMMY WORMS! We did and they melted and blended in with the jello and it was as if they never existed. All they did was make the jello taste gross. SCIENCE!! SO round two we went with nerds. I put them in at the last minute so they would not dissolve like the gummy worms did.

These are the beakers I used. I felt like it was a pretty good price. The beakers are reusable so I donated them to the scouts at the end for future science experiments.

The petri dishes worked perfectly. Portioned just right for the kids to be able to grab one and take it back to their seat.

This would be a hit at the science fair, Halloween, birthday school or daycare party. I haven't tried it but I bet you could possibly make jello shots in them for adults.


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