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Growing food from food scraps

Did you know you can very easily grow food from scraps on your windowsill? I know I couldn't believe it either until I gave it a try but trust me it is true! I'm gonna show you how to get started with your food scrap indoor garden. First you've got to buy your green onions, celery and lettuce from your grocery store or we order ours from Imperfect Produce. Cut and use the majority of your green onions, celery and lettuce leaving them looking like this.

Green Onions


Butter Lettuce

Romain Lettuce

Carrot Tops - You can't regrow the carrot but you can re-grow the carrot greens and they are great to toss into a salad.

Then place them in a little bit of water and change the water daily. I like to use mason jars so the kids and I can also watch the roots growing but you can use any pot or reuse something like a plastic yogurt or coffee container. Place them in a sunny window. They will start to grow roots and even start regrowing. Once you see some roots plant them in dirt and water daily.

Before you know it know it you will always have fresh lettuce, celery and green onions available! You can trim them, use them and they will continue to grow back again.

This picture shows celery from day one, day 5 and day 15.

This is a great way to make your food go a little further and a really fun science experiment for your kids! I hope you will give it a try. You've got nothing to loose because you were gonna throw the scraps away anyway.


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