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Family Help Wanted Board

One day as I was getting sick and tired of cleaning up after my kids. I talked to them about how keeping the house clean was a lot of work. They offered to help which was really nice but how could I tell them what needed to be done without nagging them. Then it hit me what about a Help wanted board. Until this point we haven't given out any allowance. I don't really like the idea of just giving kids allowance just simply because they are your kids. I feel like money is earned and it is a lesson that is good to teach young. But how would I keep track of what they did and how much do I pay them.

So that is when I came up with the help wanted board. Every time I thought of something that needed to be done I wrote that chore on a post it note and assigned it a monetary value and add it to the board. After the kids complete a task their Dad or I sign off and place the post it in their envelope and they are paid on pay day. I let the kids know that if they don't do the jobs in a timely manner and Dad or I have to do them because we can only wait so long before we clean the messy bathroom. They miss the chance to earn money and their Dad and I save money.

I was happy to see that this motivated my kids to do chores throughout the week when they choose to without me nagging them. I was also happy to see that when they got to choose what tasks they wanted to do they enjoyed it more. Maybe it was just because it paid the most but they even liked cleaning the toilet. Plus it was super easy to make! But if your not crafty check out this chore chart for your family!

House work is to much for one person. You didn't make all that mess by yourself so why are you the only one cleaning it up. Working together as a family saves time and makes things easier on everyone.


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